...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 6 April 2021

5th April 2021: Retrospective Easter weekend

Hi everyone!

We’re travelling in the light of the Aries Sun.  Maybe not able to travel physically with all the restrictions being imposed by governments around the world.  However, we’ve been involved in some massive ‘movements’ spiritually, within each of us as the forces of evolution and change continue to impact upon us, calling us on to complete our ‘mission’, divine spiritual commitment this lifetime.


Head stuff and mind games:  Massive clearance of ego energies!

Now Mercury is travelling in Aries, stirring our thoughts to consider issues around identity, life path, calling and place in the world.  Mercury in Aries is really adding to the energies of Mars, ruler of Aries, continuing to travel out of bounds through Gemini.


Muddle headed, confused, addled and emotional?

With the Moon out of bounds over the Easter weekend, many of us may have felt off the planet with muddled thinking, difficulty finding clarity as the emotional self took us into new flights of fancy, delusions, illusions and old timelines of other realities and dimensions. It felt to me like a Halloween experience with the unseen seeking release, forgiveness, 'resurrection' into the light. 


Current possible physical manifestations:

Our mental bodies, minds, beliefs and ego attachments are all being scrutinised possibly affecting the head, any part of the head, nervous or respiratory systems.  Our cells are being renewed so senses are impacted...eyes, ears, nose, throat. 


From 2nd to 6th April:  

An out of bounds Moon

New territory, intense!   

Neverland here we come!

2nd to 6th April: Moon travelling out of bounds

The energies for the Easter weekend were big and could have been challenging to some of us as the Moon moved out of bounds on 2nd April to 6th April.  ‘Out of bounds’ means we’re travelling in new territory, with the energies of the moon  expanded, intensified and activating new emotional responses in us.  

The moon is all emotion and memories. How these energies affect us is an individual experience, plugging into our ‘brief’ for this lifetime.  The Moon rules the digestive system so with the Moon out of bounds over Easter, digestive system stirred up, releasing.


Mercury on final degree of mastery in Pisces on Easter Saturday:  Collective emotional release!

Put that together with Mercury sitting on the final degrees of Pisces, ruler of the collective unconscious and it could have been an emotional teary release of collective memories. Easter always adds to collective energies, whether or not you are a believer or not. Any mass event, celebration whether from the past or now carries big energy which taps into our knowledge bank and akashic record. We all carry history in our cell memories. 


Easter memories embedded in collective memory banks:

Easter energies tap into memories related to blame, shame, guilt, fear, suffering, pain, sacrifice, judgement and criticism. They can play out in our every day experiences and especially at present when our egos are being challenged to evolve into higher consciousness.  We need our Aries ego operating as our divine ‘I am’ rather than in power struggles of fight, flight or fear. 


6th April AEDT:  

Moon returns from out of bounds

Breathe, relax, return to earth

2 degrees Aquarius

When the moon comes back to familiar territory we’re likely to feel a little more grounded than we have been since 2nd April as we come back to some sense of normality and the inter dimensional travel gives us a little rest for the time being. 


This was a particularly intense period for many of us however it impacted us, whether exhausted, weary, lethargic, aches and pains in the body...whatever.  We have been freeing immense earthbound energies from within us, humanity and the earth itself.


Let’s trust that our alignment in the energies of higher consciousness is restored somewhat even though Mars is still out of bounds in Gemini stirring up all manner of old ways which are needing an upgrade.  It’s a head trip of the mind until 23rd April when Mars goes into Cancer.

We're on our way to the New Moon in Aries on 12th April which promises rockets of change in its planetary line up:  A Conjunction of Chiron/Mercury/Ceres/Sun/Moon/Eris and Venus all in Aries.  What a huge rebirth is on the way!


Upcoming Dates:

12th April:  New Moon in Aries,
15th April:  Venus enters Taurus
19th April:  Mercury enters Taurus
20th April:  Sun enters Taurus

That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

The short version of the Easter Weekend: 

Out of sight, out of mind, out of character? 

A lot of voices inside and out there as we try to bring ourselves back into the present, the here and now, living in our chosen truth for this lifetime.


This is a one off update as I felt it may be welcome after these last few days if you’ve been feeling the huge overwhelm of surrender after the inundation of lost aspects seeking resolution.


Love and blessings to us all as we continue in this huge energy of change of consciousness in divine trust, acceptance and of course surrendering to the transformation of ourselves and the planet.




from the chair...getting new perspective







It's all about love
Divine Reunion  

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