...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 21 April 2021

19th April 2021: Mercury enters Taurus, 20th April: Sun enters Taurus, 23rd April: Mars enters Cancer

Hi everyone!

The dying rays of the Aries Sun as we say farewell to the Aries solar month and our fire dragons of transformation.  The past month has been intensely focussed on the energies of the fire of divine spirit, the lightest of the energies of the elements which can release and uplift spiritually. 


Purging fears and doubts!  Activating courage and strength!

We’ve been in a huge purging spiritually this past month as we released old emotional and mental baggage, the old energies of the polarised mind and mental body as Aries ruler, Mars carried us via the duality of Gemini, beyond old consciousness into new territory.


Planetary gear changes from fire to earth!

In the upcoming week, we experience more gear changes with the focus moving from the Aries fire element to the Taurus earth, our physical lives, bodies and accepting the powerful support of Mother Earth and all she has to offer.  We are still travelling in the Aries lunar energies of the past New Moon until the next New Moon.  So, the fiery changes continue within the subconscious and playing out in the incoming energies of Taurus, the body, our physical lives on earth.


The coming week:  Mercury and the Sun follow Venus into earthy Taurus!  Mars moves into emotional Cancer!

Venus, ruler of our heart, is leading the way having moved into Taurus last week and opening our hearts to accepting loving kindness to ourselves and acceptance of love in our lives.  Now, Mercury ruler of our mental body and the Sun move into Taurus too inviting us to slow down energetically and to take time to rest, realign and renew our physical beings. 

 In a world so troubled by the hound dogs of history chasing us for release from our psyche and memory banks, this coming week is a testing of our place in the world, self image, self worth and self esteem as we adjust to the earth element.  Mars in Cancer asks us to ground physically and emotionally in a place of security, to find a place of belonging where we can relax.  


Heart and mind alignment:  Reclaiming, accepting our powers of self-healing!

Our minds and hearts will be working closely together in the next ten days, and through until early May when Mercury then Venus move into Gemini. The call is for us to harmonise minds and hearts with respect to our values, what we value in our lives, ourselves and others, our capacity to ask for and accept the earth’s bounty as our sovereign birthright, the birthright of all life on earth. 


19th April:  Mercury enters Taurus at 8.29 pm AEST

Floating some big ideas! Elephants can fly!

Until 4th May

The aftermath of Mercury in Aries:  Burnt out or fired up with nowhere to go?
We’re likely to really feel this move of Mercury out of Aries where our minds have been harum, scarum for the past weeks, fired by all manner of ignitions. Our nervous systems have been on overload with Aries firing us up.  Our racing cars have been all revved up with nowhere to go except round the race track!  We’re trading them in for an elephant!
Now it’s time for our mind, our mental energies to come down to earth..just a little!
Easy does it, walking pace everyone! Our minds and nervous systems are getting some time our from the fiery restless energies of the past weeks/months.  This is breathing space, if we can ‘walk like an elephant’...slow and steady, feeling our way forward while our minds rest, relax and imagine. 
Fly a kite, float some ideas!  
Let the heart be our guide!  Explore, discover, imagine!
With our feet on the ground we can let our mental energies expand with the possibilities offered by Mother Earth.  Taurus has big potential for manifesting our heart’s desires, hopes, dreams and wonders of life. It depends on the value we give ourselves, our gifts and talents. 
Practical applications for bringing dreams to life:  It’s up to us!
Taurus rules values, self-esteem, self-worth, gifts and talents with the potential for earning income, financial return.  Harnessing our mental energies at this time will demand the practical application of the Taurus energies along with faith in ourselves and our partnership with Mother Earth.  Trust, patience, focus and dedication to our path, our life, our place in the world and to success...earthly success!
‘To dream the impossible dream’!  ‘Pigs might fly’?  Can I see an elephant fly?
We’re needing to build the spiritual strength and confidence in our earthly bodies and physical existence on the planet.
As we develop our mental and emotional energies through mind and heart, we gain the confidence in ourselves and our creative capacities.  It is then we can allow our imagination to take off, we can visualise what seems impossible becoming possible.
Slow down, rest, relax and dream big!  Reaffirm faith and confidence and faith in ourselves as divine creative beings.
Physical body:
Mercury rules nervous and respiratory systems
Taurus rules throat and neck...toning and singing to clear
20th April:  Sun enters Taurus at 6.23 am AEST
Rest, recover, relax 
Until 21st May

Time to park our racing cars and find an elephant!  Hey...not so fast!
We’re coming down to earth after the past weeks of dominating Aries energies which fired up our engines but didn’t give us a good place for parking our vehicles which were running on overdrive. 


Time to slow down, to stop and smell the flowers!

There has been little respite for us spiritually from the relentless fires of change. We’re changing our transportation from rocket fuelled to walking pace one foot in front of the earth.  Time to smell the flowers!

Taurus rules love and beauty, the richness of our physical existence and the utilisation of all our senses in savouring earth’s pleasures and joys.


Taurus, the world tree, as above so below!

Taurus anchors our energies into Mother Earth with the world tree, symbol of ‘as above so below’, the physical manifestation of our hopes and dreams reflecting our inner joy and capacity to hold the vision and the energy of our divine existence in the esoteric realm.


Bringing our fires of creative power down to earth!

The Sun in Taurus welcomes us back to ground zero, our starting point as physical beings on our planet.  The next month sees us bringing our fiery spirit down to earth in a very positive way as we take time to work with our powers of manifestation.  Venus, our heart power rules Taurus.  Listen to her whispers.


What we make of this time is up to us:  ‘Take my hand I’m a stranger in paradise’

We can feel slowed to the point of feeling blocked when really it’s just Taurus asking us to develop our creative energy through our hearts and thus bring it into physical form. 

There is no rush during this time as we learn to draw to us that which we need for our growth and expansion. As we learn to resonate with our heart’s desires, our deepest values, our heart’s yearning, we are magnetizing to ourselves all that we need to fulfil our lives. 

The universe is always responding to our vibration, our resonance and our job is refining our energies so we are resonating to our divine truth, our divine energies which uplift us from our earthly burdens, karmic baggage and old timelines.  Taurus can be heaven on earth!


22nd April:  Venus meets Uranus...heart stopping wake up call and rebirth!  

What is our true worth to ourselves, in the world?

10 degrees 13 Taurus

Venus rules love and money and Uranus is the lightning strike awakener to higher consciousness.  Both of these energies are meeting in the most earthy, physical and grounded sign of Taurus bringing a dynamic wake up call to our heart, a challenge possibly as well as an opportunity to birth a higher consciousness within our hearts.


This could manifest as a shock to the system, maybe in the physical body, maybe a lightning charge through the neuralgic, nervous systems that could energise us with a whole new impetus.  Meetings of planets are birthing energies of a new cycle for the two planets.


This energy could well impact our financial concerns, monetary situation with a power that gets us moving in new ways, new directions, accessing untapped gifts and talents in initiating new income sources, income streams. This will very much rely on a capacity to back ourselves, believe in ourselves with confidence sufficient to access these incoming energies designed to kickstart our consciousness to a step up the evolutionary ladder, our stairway to heaven! 

Sabian Symbol: For Venus and Mercury meeting Uranus this week
From:  Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Taurus 11
This Symbol shows the need to take time to nurture your physical self. The mind needs to take a rest and the body needs to be allowed to come to bloom and bask, a little, in the light. Keeping an eye on things that you are responsible for will ensure that they don't dry out and fade away ahead of, or before, their time. Weeding out undesirable factors will be a necessary part of the process as will tending to those who can’t or won’t look after themselves. Quiet moments of tender care can enliven others and allow them to grow. Nurture and fertilize creativity. External evidence of internal beauty. Looking after small details to reap the rewards later. Not drinking enough water. Stopping to smell the roses.


23rd April:  Mars enters Cancer at 9.48 pm AEST

A walk on the seashore

Until 12th June

Back to the past: Connecting with the ancestors!
Mars, ruler of our physical body, our fire and drive has moved out of heady Gemini and enters the emotional waters of Cancer, ruler of the past, memories and the beach.  On the sandy shore he’s being guided to straddle the conscious world of the earth and the subconscious world of the ocean.


Mars still on R & R getting a spiritual makeover!  Learning some new dance steps!

On the sandy shore Mars is seeking his comfort zone.  This is not his favourite place.  He’s not especially comfortable in watery Cancer after having his head in the oxygen fuelled air sign of Gemini.  He really wants some action for his get up and go but he’s still being given the makeover with the continuation of his out of bounds journey. 


New information coming into our psyche:

We’re being given new information and needing to take time to integrate, to come to a new understanding of our physical body, our ego and what we need for our pathway forward. Everything’s changing.


Difficult to know which way to go:  New information keeps changing the game plan!

Mars is learning mastery of straddling the two worlds of the Cancerian energies, the past being brought into the present as well as accessing the unknown depths of the memory banks, the subconscious, bringing these memories into consciousness.  He’s finding out more about the unconscious drives that can assist or block our movement forward. 


Mars still travelling out of bounds until 24th May: 

Mars still travelling in new territory now stirring Cancer, the sign of emotional security, home and family.

We can expect the unexpected in any of these areas.  Remain positive as this could offer up solutions, releases from old problems regarding any or all of these areas of our life. 


Just know that any new information coming in at this time is from the outer reaches and will be instrumental in the evolution of our consciousness and in our body consciousness.  This is the promise of divine release of old templates and potential for divine healing.


24th April:  Mercury meets/conjoins Uranus...birthing new mental energies!  Keeping calm

10 degrees 18 Taurus

Watch our for jangled nerves and anxiety with this one as lightning strike Uranus meets Mercury, ruler of our mental body, nervous and respiratory systems. This won’t be a long transit but it will trigger a breakthrough mentally and quite possibly physically as they meet in earthy physical Taurus.  The body could well feel this jolt.


We tend to get reactions in our nervous, neuralgic systems when the magnetic field is active as our whole nervous system channels the disruptions to our regular constitution.  The magnetic field has been active on and off for the past couple of weeks.  So, just rest and pull back if you’re feeling this in the body.  This meeting could well throw up some out of the box new ideas so keep an open mind and accept the gifts of the planets.


25th April:  Venus and Mercury square/challenge Saturn

Heart/mind challenge and opportunity all at once!

12 degrees Taurus/Aquarius

This aspect doesn’t last long as Venus and Mercury moved quite quickly but after the possible shockwaves of the Uranus influence this one is the challenge to release some old karmic ties from heart and mind, the emotional and mental bodies so we can truly liberate our spiritual authority. 

The opportunity is the evolution of our consciousness with respect to our personal authority as divine beings, as a part of humanity and the global society with the idealism, hopes and dreams of a better world where everyone matters and works in unity, love and truth.


Sabian Symbols:
Venus/Mercury:   Taurus 13
This Symbol implies someone who tends to carry the load for others. They often feel responsible for everyone and everything. The ‘Porter’ will usually spring to attention when asked to help or to shoulder the burden of other’s luggage or their baggage. In fact, you may be doing a lot to help others, but not getting much appreciation or thanks. Be wary that you are not just helping people to hang on to their extra ‘baggage', through your desire to be useful and helpful. This can weigh them down when you are no longer available. Grinning and bearing the weight only works for so long before one tires of it. Self-reliance. Being reliable, responsible and helpful. Owning people's 'garbage'. Shouldering people's baggage. Being weighed-down. Bad backs, knees or posture.
Saturn:  Aquarius 13
This Symbol shows measuring what’s going on in the atmosphere, whether it be physical, emotional, spiritual or on an etheric level. You could feel rather sensitive to changes or shifts going on around you and you may pick them up more than most. Not only shifts in “Barometric” pressure, but shifts in temperature and mood can be picked up, almost like you have antennae. You may need to plan for future action, and to know what to expect or at least anticipate. You will find in your own sensitivity the instrument that perceives the possibilities of upcoming events. You may be a "translator" for others, bearing useful messages and being able to read the environment. Measured responses. Perceiving subtle changes. Insight. Knowing when rain or storms are coming. Anticipating shifts. Opinion polls. Indicators. Reading the atmosphere.
Christian Schloevery

Golden Oldies:

‘When I see an Elephant Fly’ from ‘Dumbo’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_v2exWrsGOc for Mercury in Taurus

With lyrics:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewDQMUY9tIo


‘Let’s Go Fly a Kite’ from ‘Mary Poppins’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iysZb54aT6M singalong and fly!



‘Take my Hand I’m a stranger in Paradise’ Tony Bennett https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAG1rXrauaQ Sun in Taurus


‘Walkin’ in the Sunshine’ Roger Miller with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISA2-NhHF6E for Mars in Cancer


Upcoming Dates:

27th April: Full Moon in Scorpio at 1.31 pm AEST 7 degrees 06 Scorpio

28th April Pluto stations retrograde at 6.01 am AEST at 26 degrees 48 Capricorn



That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

Here we are hanging together spiritually on ‘the road less travelled’ and all finding our own way physically negotiating this world.  Our elephants resonate with the Taurus energies, attuned to Mother Earth and caring for each other within the tribal community.


After a month of spiritual turbulence and cleansing and now working with some new planetary energies which call for a gear shift from within us.  We need to adjust to the new Taurus energies which are very grounded, slower moving and challenging us to bring our mind and heart energies into alignment with the abundance of Mother Earth. 


As we grow in valuing ourselves in this coming week, we prepare ourselves for the upcoming Scorpio Full Moon which always asks for deep transformation and embracing the death of old ways, old memories held within the body.  We’re looking at our values this week and taking the time and energy to sort and sift as we prepare for release at the Full Moon on 27th April.


We may feel resistance as Taurus is the most fixed of all the signs and can be resistant to release, to compromise.  However, Venus as ruler of Taurus is our guiding light to let in all that’s good for us and let out the old worn out patterns and threads of the past.


Love and blessings to us all as travel our own unique pathway knowing our spiritual family is with us supporting us from all corners of the earth.  We are one.

Apologies for being late with this one but the last couple of weeks with so much disturbance in the magnetic field combined with an out of bounds moon for the past 6 days I was just too addled mentally.  I will write in future about the out of bounds moon which is happening every couple of weeks.




from the chair...in the balancing act




It's all about love
Divine Reunion


On a personal note:

Some of you have asked how I’m travelling after my extended stay in hospital last year and offering support and assistance in a number of ways.  It is all taking much longer than I would like or anticipated which has put me in a difficult situation with respect to having time to heal the body so I can start working to earn some money again.  It’s been too demanding to commit to delivery of classes or even readings as my whole system is slowly recovering. 


I could say ‘money’s too tight to mention’ but despite that, I am mentioning it and putting out a call to you all for a little one-off assistance of some cash so I can maintain at least the basics of my life. I am not going to start charging for email reports which I love doing and can manage without pressure of delivering the goods.  I made a commitment in 2007 when I starting writing them that I would offer them free of charge. 


Now, at this moment I am challenged to change my tune and ask for some help.  I am firmly of the belief that I need to be giving something without remuneration. I know many of you are going through some tough times too with the economic and social changes with the lockdown.  I am not asking anyone to overextend themselves.  If you’ve appreciated my words and work and can manage a few coins, dollars, euros...whatever, then I would be very grateful to get me over this road hump. 


In gratitude for any help you can give.  I take a step forward and the universe meets me. Love to you all and trust you are getting help if you need it.



My PayPal link: PayPay.Me/helenbea



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