...for the children of the earth

Sunday 11 April 2021

12th April 2021: New Moon in Aries, 15th April: Venus enters Taurus


Hi everyone!
The Aries Sun is firing our spiritual power, filling every aspect of our being with the light that purges our body and cleanses and purifies our ego, our small ego mind, aspects of which are still treading through the lower dimensional energies of planet earth and humanity.
Everyone one on earth is in the inter-dimensional pot of change process:
As long as we’re here on earth now, every one of us is dealing with these buried energies from time gone by, from history, from old consciousness.  There is no escape from the world as it is but there is the opportunity to take the time to connect with the evolved consciousness in other dimensions of time and space.
Taking time to process the changes physically:
In that time out, whether it is in meditation, contemplation or in the silence of our mind, body, heart and spirit we need rest from the chaos of world affairs. We and planet earth are in a deep change process, an evolution of consciousness which is chaotic in itself. There is so much change happening on the world stage which we are processing, making sense of it, choosing the higher path.
Staying in the eye of the storm:
Growth of any kind can be painful, can be chaotic and can be a struggle as the old stability and comfort zone is uprooted, pruned, trimmed back so we can continue to grow and flourish.  Everyone is being challenged, some more than others it would seem.  But, we have no idea what is transpiring in each person’s life.  We just need to hold the light and aspire to hold love in our hearts. 
12th April:  New Moon in Aries at 12.30 pm AEST 
at 22 degrees 25 Aries

The Aries planets light up the cosmos!
The New Moon born in a dark sky is suddenly illuminated with the fires of the Aries planetary gathering, igniting our beings with the urge to get moving. This energy is rocket fuelled energy taking us out, out, out into a whole new spectrum of possibility. 
Mars out of bounds, raising the roof on planet earth!
Mars, travelling out of bounds in Gemini is playing cosmic scout to the Aries team as he is opens us up to a whole raft of new ideas! 
Gemini is the idea energy and with Mars in new unexplored territory, is bringing these ideas into our bodies, minds and spirits. We’re in outer dimensional, higher consciousness energies as the New Moon arrives. 
Exploding myths, masks and pretences...all about our ‘I am’!
Our mind, mental body and head could be feeling this energy with Mars along with all the Aries planetary energies blowing our minds apart, ripping up the masks of illusion about ourselves, about who we are and why we are here. It’s a team effort to explode the myths about ourselves, our identity wounds and our place in the world. 
Planetary placements at the New Moon:
So much happening and interconnecting at this New Moon it’s more than a little challenging to try to summarise the bottom line of this cosmic fireworks display clearing, activating and awakening all at the same time.
The main story, plot line and leading characters:  
The birth of our unclaimed spiritual identity
New Moon/Sun:  22 degrees Aries
New Moon, Sun together in Aries, the leading roles birthing a new lunar year, a new chapter of our lives, a new impetus for our identity and our divine selves.

Releasing, reclaiming, befriending, freeing the inner dragons!

A big Aries team:  
Chiron 9 degrees     A centaur: Spiritual wounds of identity, leadership and ego
Mercury 14 degrees  Planet:  Communication, mental body, mind
Ceres  19 degrees     Dwarf Planet:  A midwife, mother energy for the earth
New Moon/Sun 22 degrees
Eris   24 degrees        Dwarf Planet:  A feminine version of Uranus with a bite when ignored
Venus 26 degrees      Planet:  Ruler of the heart, divine feminine, love
Birthing our unclaimed spiritual identity!  Masks off!
New Moon brings rebirth and we have Ceres, our midwife to help with this process of bringing forth our unclaimed spiritual identity.  Feminine energies Eris and Venus supporting the birth process.
Powerful assistance from the feminine energies of Venus and Eris
Eris, powerful feminine energy next to the New Moon and supported by Venus, our heart energy, feminine self.  Eris won’t take no for an answer.  She is demanding a presence at this time and it’s the birth of a new feminine energy within the context of the very masculine fire energy of Aries, sign of our warrior.
Mercury, and Chiron:  Releasing the spiritual wounds of communication
Fears and doubts get out, strength and power be here now!
Mercury ruler of our mind and mental body is on board this rocket ship of change close to Chiron indicating old spiritual wounds around communication, thinking, mindsets and beliefs are being birthed released and rebirthed into new ways of thinking, communicating from the heart. 

It’s a lunar affair with inner realisations and understandings bursting through old veneers and pretences which have held our spiritual selves at bay.
Get ready to find your voice and new spiritual authority:
What has blocked our communication from the heart is being unblocked.  It may be a little messy for a while as we find our way through the chatter, collective talk and inner mental muddle but out of this will come greater clarity for ourselves, our minds and our spirits.  Just allow the New Moon to work its magic with heart power and love.
Planetary aspects at this New Moon:  Power plus!  
Releasing the old dragons of fear and embracing our inner fire dragon!

Venus square/challenging Pluto:  
Clearing the ropes of the status quo...freeing the heart!
Aries 26/Capricorn 26
Our hearts are challenged to open and release the old benchmarks, rules, status quo and disempowered memories that are locked into our sense of identity blocking the full expression of our true self, our divine I am, our feminine I am energy.
The divine feminine is released from the claws of the old establishment dragon!
A clean sweep of the heart as Pluto, Lord of death and transformation wields the scalpel of psychic surgery, the sword of truth, cutting out any attachments, ties, patterns of the ‘system’ which have blocked free expression of the heart, all of our heart.  This is the release of the blocked feminine energies from within all of us. 
Mars linking to New Moon:  
Our Mars identity dragon is out of the cave ready to speak! 
Gemini 23/Aries 22
The spiritual warrior voice of our ‘I am’ is activated and is seeking avenues of communication with others. The speaking cure will be activated in us physically as the fire purges the fear of exposure.

Mars in trine to Jupiter:  
Warning...watch for ego inflation feeding off old energies!  
Embrace confidence and speak from the heart!
Gemini 23/Aquarius 25
And the voice of Mars, our identity, our ego is bigger than Ben Hur, expanding with confidence and the power of owning who we are...all of us. The voices which have been suppressed and felt unheard will demand to be heard.  Our barometer is to hear the heart and speak with gentleness and love from the heart.  Nobody will hear if we’re loud and bombastic, pumped up with self-righteousness.
Karmic clearance on tap!

Saturn linking to Mercury and Chiron:  
Evolving authority, healing wounds of communication!
Aquarius 12/Aries 14 and 9
Chiron brings to light our spiritual wounds around identity and the need to connect with the wider society, with the idealism of Aquarius as the new blueprint for transforming our world, socially, economically and in our relationships.  Birthing new channels of communication, the individual and the society.
Saturn in trine to Karmic North Node: 
Opening the doors of structural change through the communication channels
Aquarius 12/Gemini 11

Activating global evolution for humanity with karmic release of the status quo, the history of the establishment and the conservative benchmarks of Capricorn foundations for society. We’re reframing life in the Aquarium paradigm of idealism and ‘all for one, one for all’. 

Karmic clearance on tap!  A planetary affair for all humanity!
When Saturn is in play we know that karmic ‘work’ is happening and the following influences are positive, flowing and opening up our communication channels and neural pathways to a huge clearance of old threads which have held us captive to the past.  

The Planetary North Node indicates that this is a collective clearance for the whole planet even if some of us seem to be carrying an extra load while others are skipping into the sunset.  It’s a whole of planet affair with all doors, roads, pathways operating as clearways.  No holds barred.
How will these energies manifest?  
A talk fest
With Chiron and Mercury involved, it’s a talk fest and we’re talking the spiritual wounds out of our minds and bodies.  Chiron and Mercury are dual rulers of Virgo, the sign of healing, a focus on the physical body as well as the mind. This is a huge release from the mental and physical bodies via communication, talking it out, talking it out.  We’ll need to be mutual listeners as we let out all the ‘sad’ stories we never even knew were locked away inside of us.
Sabian Symbol for the New Moon in Aries
From Lynda Hill:  www.sabiansymbols.com
Aries 23
This Symbol shows issues of going to a great deal of effort to conceal from others things that are very important. This could be heavy responsibilities that have been placed on you. You may feel that you have succeeded in shouldering these burdens without others knowing, but in fact it may be apparent to others in the way the burden of your secret is affecting your behavior. It may be necessary to share the load. Are you truly participating in life? Do you always put on a happy face regardless of what’s going on? Wearing black versus pastel colors. Privacy. Quiet determination to get on with the job. Carrying more than one’s share, gratefully or grudgingly. Pregnancy. Doing overtime. Cheery attitudes. Codes of silence.


15th April:  

Venus enters Taurus at 3.51 am AEST

Venus comes home to Mother Earth!

Until 9th May

Venus finds her place in our hearts!  Our dragon power has returned!
How amazing that within a few days of the New Moon with the release of the entrapped feminine energies of our identity, we have Venus, divine feminine and heart energy moving into one of her home signs, Taurus home of Mother Earth and divine abundance on all levels.


Hold the dragon power of Mother Earth and open!

Mother Earth is the world tree, holding us as we emerge from the New Moon birth tunnel, supporting us with the commitments and wishes we made at the New Moon in Aries. It’s time to believe and receive.  


Love and acceptance within and without:

She is ready to carry us forward in our physical lives as we listen to our heart and trust our new sense of worthiness to receive divine abundance on all levels of our being. Make the most of this 3 weeks to integrate this sense of belonging and acceptance of ourselves as humans, as earthlings.


Finding a firm foothold on earth:  Welcome and learn to relax into this energy!

We’ll be grateful for this grounding energy with Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn the only planets currently in earth signs, creating sudden change and deep transformation.  These energies are incredibly destabilising as we haven’t been able to find our feet, feel safe in our earthly lives.


Our hearts come to peace and love:  We are safe and protected, loved and valued!

With Venus now in Taurus, we need to feel our hearts come to earth and settle into a sense of security knowing we are cared for by the earth, reinforcing our manifestation powers. As we feel the joy of life, the love of life and accept that we are held by the earth, so we draw to us all that we need.  This is magical heart power. 


Make every day count in any good feelings of safety as Venus will be meeting with Uranus on 23rd April signifying a birth of new heart energy.  Uranus brings sudden change and I’m trusting this will be a big heart opening at that time.


Venus rules love and money in Astrology:  Positive focus on manifestation through these next weeks...all in our favour!

In Astrology, Venus rules love and money, the two entwined as the common force for bringing prosperity as our heart opens to our deepest desires and commits to practising self-love, kindness and acceptance of our entitlement to divine love as earthly beings. 

Taurus offers the richness of earthly pleasures and the joy of the senses as we taste the gifts which are offered to us. 


Keeping balance with love and money is one of our earthly challenges. When our hearts are open and allowing the flow of love out and in, we are accessing the flow of abundance.  The universe brings to us our heart’s desires.  It knows what we need and want.  We just need to surrender.  



Golden Oldies:

‘Puff the Magic Dragon’ Peter, Paul & Mary with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7lmAc3LKWM befriending the dragon/s within


‘When you walk through a storm’ Gerry & the Pacemakers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OV5_LQArLa0 Dragon release


‘I have confidence’ Julie Andrews ‘Sound of Music’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RV-6qbUHVww The New Moon birth


‘Hagrid takes Harry to see the dragons’ Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvy_CvHZJl8

Hagrid:  ‘They’re seriously misunderstood creatures’



Upcoming Dates:

19th April:  Mercury enters Taurus
20th April:  Sun enters Taurus

That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

Here we are at Diwali, the Hindu, Sikh and Buddhist festival of lights to celebrate new year with a lighting of our candles creating a massive light show of individual effort manifesting in a unified field of light energy.  That’s us around the world, all of us who are maintaining focus on the power of love within our hearts and in our lives.  It’s not an easy road for many of us as we can grow disheartened at the cruelty and unkindness in the world. 


Although I don’t follow a particular religion, the basic principles of Christianity and its spiritual teachings are very much part of my ideal in a world where greed and power struggles still seem so dominant.  What happened to: ‘Judge not lest ye be judged’ and ‘Let he that is without sin cast the first stone’


When I see or hear the words of others, the actions of others as well as observing my own responses and reactions then I question ‘What is the motivation for saying these words, responding in this way?’ If it seems irrational then it probably stems from the past, memory banks, planetary or ancestral.  It doesn’t necessarily make me feel better but it helps me come out of judgement or blame into more forgiveness. 

At times I feel heartsick at the words and actions of humanity. I am far from perfect and yet in that am very human.  However, I hope we as humanity can move beyond the gossip and innuendo that stems from primal responses to life.


Love and blessings to us all as we grapple with our domestic world and the global issues of greed and power which can at times overshadow the stories of peace and harmony, of unity and oneness which is the ideal of a world that runs on the power of love.


Apologies for this extended version of the New Moon update but the words just kept coming with so many planetary aspects this one is huge!




from the chair...owning my dragon with my light



It's all about love
Divine Reunion


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