...for the children of the earth

Friday 5 March 2021

4th March 2021: Mars enters Gemini


Hi everyone!
We’re still travelling in the light of the Pisces Sun and it hasn’t been an entirely peaceful journey for some of us, despite the image of this big old sailing ship.  It’s carrying the ancient energies of the collective unconscious which have been very much present with the arrival of the Full Moon in Virgo.  The full moon flushed out masses of memories, past lives/other realities which are not aligned with our present course of unification in truth and love. 
This past week:  Changing the world on the astral plane!  
These energies are not necessarily being enacted in our everyday world although we may be feeling ‘triggers’ from happening in the outer world as they are reflective of what old memories are being released.  It’s like re-runs of unresolved old stories of human existence...abuse, disempowerment, subterfuge, corruption at the most powerful levels of government and industry. 
The goal is ‘freedom’: 
Freedom from ‘history’ which prevents equity, justice, love for all!
The collective stories are our stories embedded in our memories, DNA, bodies.  We’re here at this time in history to do our bit to clear our personal karmic commitments as our contribution to clearing humanity’s consciousness.
Freeing our minds, hearts, bodies and spirits:  
Our destination, unity in love, oneness!
We're in the final solar month of the astrological year and Pisces rules confinement, institutions, prison, hospitals...in fact, any form of confinement, addiction, attachment, may give insight into what so many of us have been working with spiritually.
The past week has been cloaked in a darkness for many of us:   
We held the ‘get out of jail card’!  
Our powers as ‘mediums’, the capacity to straddle different dimensions and timelines has been called into action as the unresolved energies have been coming to us seeking resolution.
  You don't need to know you're a 'medium', a go-between for different timelines but it may help to understand and accept that this  gives you the skill to 'shuffle' lost souls wandering in the grey world of the astral world into the freedom of light energy.
How do we move lost souls from the astral plane into the light? 
Maintaining focus, intent, action on love, freedom, peace, truth, unity...whatever!
If you have been feeling this 'heaviness' of heart, mind, body, spirit and 'all at sea', you have been working with this process as you reach for love, joy, an experience to uplift the spirit.  I have been spending huge amounts of time in meditation/healing process to release myself from these energies which are rising up now.  We all have our own way if we intend to seek 'freedom' from the ills of humanity. 
I work with what I have available to me.
If I watch a movie which triggers unpleasant emotions in me, I try to see it through imagining the ‘lost souls’ are watching with me. I’m not rigid with this but sometimes when it hits a nerve with no apparent relevance to my life experience this life then...could be memories.   Especially good with a satisfactory resolution whether a documentary or similar which brings old stories to light.
Old ‘comfort zones’ have been removed:  
We’re seeking the new stimulation, direction, motivation...it’s coming!
I've noticed a hush on facebook as some have decamped to other social media sites attempting to escape censorship, in their search for 'freedom'.  

What once brought us joy and upliftment from a 'happy' meme with a spiritual message, suddenly seems little comfort in a world which continues to bring forth some of the darkest secrets of humanity.  

I encourage others to write words which express their feelings without taking us into the pit of despair.  If we value social media, it is up to us to make it a  positive force for change.  We need purpose and direction if we are to create a better world. 

The Full Moon in Virgo energies stay operational until the New Moon in Pisces on 13th March. 
This indicates the 'purification' and purging continues, quite possibly impacting the physical body/Virgo.  Core spiritual 'wounds' are being healed especially related to the ego/identity and the collective memories as Chiron in Aries continues to play a role with Saturn.  

Chiron, as co-ruler of Virgo with Mercury is regarded as ‘the speaking cure’ so will be interesting to see how this manifests when Mars/fiery masculine warrior/ego moves into chatty Gemini this week.
4th March:  Mars enters Gemini at

2.29 pm AEDT...everybody’s talking

Until 23rd April

‘C’mon baby light my fire’:  He’s back!
Mars, our fire and drive, masculine warrior, completes his R & R time smelling the flowers in Taurus, healing body, mind and spirit with rest so he can return with renewed energy and zeal.  
His journey through Taurus has called for us to be still, to be grounded, relaxing with the earth and healing our physical bodies, our fiery spirits.  We needed time out, many of us experiencing burn out after the past year/s.
Mars has been recalibrating the energies in our head, neck, voice and body:
Mars rules the head so some of us may have felt strange shifts energetically within our head, to our head.  Anything from ears, eyes, nose, sinuses, brain, cerebral system, nerves.
Time to reclaim our ‘voice’!  We’ve been renewed...small steps first!

Taurus rules the neck, the voice so these areas may have been undergoing healing.  It seems many people have been finding their ‘voice’, releasing blockages from the throat. 
United within and without?
Now we’re about to find out just how much healing has been occurring as Mars prepares to step up to the microphone. Remember to listen as well as speak.
Travelling the Gemini dual carriageway:   
New driver, new wheels, new road...enjoy the discovery, take time to adjust
Gemini is the sign of the twins, the dual carriageway of the mind, the mental body always challenging us to be balancing inner and outer energies.  Mars wants action and in Gemini where the nervous energies are high and mental stimulation is the nourishment needed for action, we can run off the road with excitement and over the top activity.  
We’re feeling strong and independent:  

Take care with speeding...working within limits
We’re still returning to life and in a new form, understanding of our identity, our ego so consider ourselves on ‘L’ plates for a little while until we get the hang of our new modus operandi and our new vehicle to carry us forward.   
A boost for commerce and commercial activity:  
The market is opened up for trading...the emphasis is ‘local’, Gemini’s domain
Gemini rules buying and selling, the sign of ‘the salesman’ and Mars is activating this energy with fire and drive.  Watch out for ‘the hard sell’ whether from self or others.  It may have worked in the old days but we’re in a new energy so softly, softly, listening to clients needs may be more important than ever. 

A lot of talking, new ideas, possibilities...explore!   
Thinktanks, brainstorming, mindmapping time!
A stimulation to our mental faculties as fire spirit meets the mind, the mental body and initiates creativity.

There may be a lot of talking at meetings which needs to be harnessed into some positive creative changes and exciting new ideas with real potential.

Making plans: 
Open the mind to new pathways!
Awakening of our fire power and motivation to get moving. 
13th March:  
Mercury, ruler of commerce, exits from shadow!
Mercury, ruler of Gemini and commerce is still travelling through shadow and will exit on 13th March with the New Moon in Pisces so this could be a good date to consider bringing some of these ideas into reality, even with the energies in Pisces quite dominant.

Pluto is still in Capricorn and that’s good for powerful leadership success within a systematic framework and structure.
Golden Oldies:

‘Light my Fire’ Jose Feliciano https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RtTWDv-yWM  Mars in Gemini


‘Ring of Fire’ Johnny Cash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfCOJLRk2D4 


‘Beyond the Sea’ Bobby Darin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7ToZFJy3A0 for the Pisces Sun



Upcoming Dates: 

13th March:  New Moon in Pisces at 9.21 pm AEDT 23 degrees 04 Pisces

16th March:  Mercury enters Pisces


That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

Dolphins together, one heart, one mind travelling the current Pisces wave, communicating with sound, inbuilt sonar navigation taking us through these current energies bringing us to life again...a new life, yet to unfold.  How new depends on just how much of our old identities, egos have been jettisoned as excess baggage from other times, places and people. 


The game plan is changing rather dramatically, more obvious than it has been, as the demands of the world impact on us all whether from the growing population, the inadequacy of provision for human needs and growth, the increasing forces of dominance that seek to control and enforce old patterns of governance and power or the evident manifestations of the decline and degeneration of the planet. 


It’s all about balance within each of us, within the ‘community’ and on the planet.   It seems that everything is getting further away from the possibility of rectification of imbalances and inequities even as the powers that be attempt to assuage the masses with old platitudes. 


Love and blessings to us all as we continue our spiritually focussed commitment in this changing world.  The importance of hope, optimism and faith of course is vital if we are to go on enacting change for ‘the better’ in our lives and in the greater scheme of things.  One person can make a difference to all.




from the chair...with the angel fish


It's all about love
Divine Reunion

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