...for the children of the earth

Friday 21 May 2021

21st May 2021: Sun enters Gemini, 23rd: Saturn retrograde

Hi everyone!


Well everything looks calm and serene in this image of the earth.  It hasn’t been a particularly calm and serene passage after the Scorpio Full Moon and even our entry through the New Moon in Taurus may have left many of us a little shaken with the planetary forces at that time. We are now at the end of the solar month of Taurus.


Solar energies during the New Moon period:  Intense activations!

The solar energies activated the strongest geomagnetic storms since the beginning of this new solar cycle which is still in its early stages.  That means ongoing activity on and off for some time to come. For the sensitives, it’s been shake, rattle and roll and possibly exhaustion as we experience the instability from the activation of the geomagnetic field and the reworking of our constitution.


Finding the truth of our heart and our path of heart:  Doing it my way!

Taurus time always puts focus on our physical bodies, heart energy working with our self-worth, value and esteem.  Whatever challenges have emerged this past solar month are related to our heart and soul being enacted in our physical world.  We’re finding ‘our way’ no ties, excuses, second guessing!

Out of our tree or just hanging on:

Whilst the Taurus World Tree has been calling us to ground our energies, many of us have been clinging to the tree wondering what it's all about as the people of the world continue to release, to grieve, to feel the fear and keep going as best they can. 

With Mars in Cancer giving our bodies a massive workover with the ancestral memory release of karmic miasms and spiritual wounds along with Jupiter now in Pisces opening the door of unlimited human experience and history, it's been somewhat challenging to stay focussed.

Mars in Cancer travelling out of bounds:  Ongoing release of ancestral karma!

Many of us have been experiencing some heavy challenges to the physical body as Mars has been challenging us to release the old karmic threads of the ancestors whilst activating our divine consciousness in the cells of our bodies. 

Resting and grounding in our Taurus ‘World Tree’ undergoing the physical/spiritual makeover in the body:

It’s been a two way process, releasing the old cell memories whilst embracing new consciousness, our new way forward.  

Even if you are not aware of what’s happening you may be feeling this influence whether from feeling out of sorts or all manner of physical sensations as we re-experience the stories of the past within our physical bodies.  When Mars returns from OOB we’ll be finding out just how much has been happening ‘undercover’.


Activation and release of old patterns of fight/flight/freeze:

Aggressive and volatile forces have been active!

Old patterns we’ve been carrying from our genetic heritage are falling away provided we let them go. Mars is action man and it is through our growing awareness of what needs to go and claiming our own divine truth, way of being in the world we can take the necessary steps in the world to claim our birthright.



21st May:  Sun enters Gemini at 5.36 am AEST

Let’s fly away!

Until 21st June

Up and away!  Open wings, eyes and mind to the realm of ideas!

As the Sun enters the sign of Gemini we’re activated to take flight, to lift up from the density of the Taurus energies which have been keeping us very much grounded in the physical world.  Gemini is ruled by the air element, the mental energies and works constantly with the balancing of duality within the mind. 

Meeting ourselves and uniting our inner ‘twins’!

Gemini is represented by The Lovers Card in the Tarot symbolising the inner masculine/feminine energies and their ‘marriage’ within.  The goal for this energy is the balancing act between action and stillness, between making things happen and allowing things to happen.  It is in the divine knowing of right action at the right time when magic happens,


Let’s get together, brainstorm and take a discovery tour!

Gemini could be considered the social butterfly, the master of social networking which brings people, ideas and new possibilities together in a new form.

Let’s explore some new realms of thought!

Gemini activates the curiosity, the desire to explore, discover, gather bits and pieces of information and bring all the pieces together to make some kind of new template of understanding the world and the nature of reality. With Gemini’s ruler Mercury still travelling out of bounds new consciousness and ideas will be front and centre!


Mercury in an extended stay in Gemini:  Mercury’s in Gemini until 12th July!  Time’s on our side!

With Mercury doing an extended stay in Gemini thanks to his upcoming retrograde journey, there’ll be much discussion, a talkfest to make up for the protracted isolation energies of the global lockdown.  Lucky if we can do this! Gemini is a mutable sign which brings us greater adaptability and flexibility in our mind, thinking processes and in relation to working out ideas with others. 

Rebooting commercial ideas!

Gemini rules commerce and awakens within us the urge to be the ‘trader’ and marketing manager of our lives.  During this time, many will be awakening to new ways of negotiating the commercial landscape and offering alternatives to the current mindset.  



23rd May:  

Saturn retrograde at 13 degrees 31 Aquarius at 7.18 pm AEST

Karmic check!

Until 11th October

Marking time with Saturn:  Old Father Time and Lord of Karma doing checks and balances!
Our inner gnome is a little weighed down by the weight of his load which seems extra heavy at this time.  Time is slowing as we trudge along through the current change processes with Saturn stationing to turn retrograde.
He has been sitting on 13 degrees Aquarius since 28th April and will be holding to this right through to 18th June. He is usually slow moving but this is an extended stay while we regroup and realign to re-tread some old territory. The week before and after his station may feel especially ‘heavy’.
Accepting and utilising our spiritual authority in life...the magic of manifestation!
This is a big part of Saturn’s retrograde time as when we keep choosing to take the Aquarian ‘stairway to heaven’ we choose to activate our spiritual authority in terms of living our lives.  No-one knows better than we do what is right for us.  We can listen but at the end of the day, we are the ones to take responsibility for our lives, our decisions and our choices.  Once we accept our authority, we accept Saturn’s powerful manifestation potential!
Time to offload the karmic ‘baggage’!  When have we fulfilled our soul contracts?  Our inner wizard is checking the karmic books!
It might feel like there's not a lot of movement happening physically as we take time for a reckoning of our karmic ‘books’ and commitments. We are just about to backtrack, letting go of those responsibilities we no longer need to carry. 

Saturn rules responsibility and is also Lord of Karma. Our soul commitments for karmic resolution are under review as we undergo a reckoning of what stays and what goes with respect to heavy burdens. In the next few months, opportunities will arise in our lives to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’.  Only our divine self knows. 
What are our responsibilities spiritually?  
How many others are we carrying spiritually up our stairway to heaven? 
How long can we carry the burdens of the past, the ancestors wounds, the social obligations which are based on 'should' rather than the inner truth of who we are.  Some responsibilities we are required to accept, the legal contracts of paying bills etc. 

Only we can know which commitments we need to meet spiritually and thus in society. The upcoming Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius will bring insight, understanding and the knowledge of what has been ‘completed’.  Doors will close.  
The Sabian Symbol for Saturn’s station:  www.sabiansymbols.com
Aquarius 14
This shows being able to go straight ahead, towards your objectives without being distracted or lead off your path. The “Train Enters a Tunnel”, it is on one track that leads in a certain direction and it doesn’t deviate or stop to assess where it’s going; it simply keeps going straight ahead. You may need to cut through the obstacles in life and go straight ahead, regardless of the unseen hazards you may encounter along the way. You have a great deal of drive and many others are likely to be with you, so plough on. Push through, making sure that you pay attention to other's needs along the way. Deep penetration. Cutting through detail. Persistence. Shortcuts to a desired end. Going for the objective. Near death experiences. Heart bypasses, physical, emotional, spiritual.


24th May:  Venus goes out of bounds at 17 degrees 44 Gemini...the sky is unlimited! 

Until 18th June

Falling in love with ‘ourselves’...our twin!
Venus is unrestricted by her ties to earth and earthly commitments and feelings as she enters the unlimited consciousness in this out of bounds energy in Gemini.  Our hearts will be getting in touch with new ways of relating in loving relationships, new ideas and concepts in relation to money and how it relates to our heart’s desire. 


Finding our hearts, finding love:  Finding ourselves!

The energy of an out of bounds planet becomes erratic as that planet is on a voyage of discovery of new ways of being and living.  Expect nothing and everything all at once and be open to receiving the wild card energies of Venus out of control in the sign that likes to explore, discover and learn.  

This energy will work well during this Gemini time ahead as we come to find what we love to do, how we love to live and what brings us joy in the world.  Most of all this is bringing a renewed sense of self of love and acceptance of who we are.



25th May:  Mars leaves out of bounds back to earth at 19 degrees Cancer  Let’s all just calm down!

What now my love? 
This will be interesting to observe in ourselves and in the wider world as Mars loses some of his out of control volatility in returning to ‘normality’. He’s been a wild card acting up all over the place at the most unexpected times with triggers and explosions happening personally and globally. Could be a bit wobbly for a few days.

Peace in our time?  

Maybe more ‘Let’s give peace a chance’ and take the peace train!

Mars will take a little while to settle back into more ‘normal’ behaviour meaning not quite so sensitive to every possible attack or threat of attack from within or without.  We’ve been so busy ‘guarding’ our energy during these last weeks/months feeling under threat from invasion whether real or from the memory banks.


Accept and believe ‘the war’ is over and reprogram our being to accept peace and practice peace:

As the old threat of ‘war’ recedes from within we can start to accustom ourselves to the new state of our physical bodies without the baggage of ancestral karmic threads and genetic miasms originating from war and dangerous threats to our lives. 


Family karmic wounds:  Coming through the activation and release process

...now mopping up time!
With Mars in Cancer out of bounds, the old family trigger points and aggressions have been coming to the surface with the opportunity to clear up these old ‘hurts’, wounds and ancestral threads of combat. 

Mars leaves OOB on 25th so we’ll be able to repair and renew damages. Mars is still travelling in Cancer until 11th June which will give us the time to accept and adjust to feeling safe in our homeland as emotional insecurities are put to rest.

The World Stage:  The war/s

On the world stage we’ve been observing the escalation of war in the middle east, the war that’s gone on since whenever, in which we’ve all played a role, a part in other times and places.  This war is embedded in our memory banks. Now, let’s watch to see if things start to settle with Mars out of bounds.


30th May:   Mercury leaves his out of bounds journey

We’ll be sorting out what’s been happening in our minds and in relation to the wild possibilities that were thrown up during this time.   




Golden Oldies:

‘The Long and Winding Road’ The Beatles with lyrics  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIHEuYfDypg for Saturn retrograde


‘Sunshine on My Shoulders’ John Denver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9Gh6dn7hzQ for Sun in Gemini


‘Sunshine, lollipops’ Lesley Gore https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TT6ndp1WlyA for Venus out of bounds

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuwBL7fGMNc lyrics


‘Peace Train’ Cat Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkTQri3a4Gg for Mars inbound




Upcoming Dates:

26th May:  Full Moon Sagittarius


30th May:  Mercury retrograde at 24 degrees 43 Gemini

3rd June:  Venus moves to Cancer




That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

Some of us may feel ‘out of our tree’ after these past few weeks with more to come.  Our tree clinging koalas are huddled in a group hug as we’re all needing some furry comfort in the knowledge that even if hugging is off limits in some parts of the world, it’s still happening in the unseen world of our spiritual community of life support.


No matter how far we are apart physically, we are forever in each others arms and hearts trusting in the process of expanding consciousness within and thus without.  Our physical world is the last demonstration of the changes we have been achieving with our energetic work with love, truth, wisdom, justice and unification. In this we trust.


The Sun moving into Gemini on 21st will give us some airy uplift and then we're rolling on to the Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius which will shake us up within as the unseen forces bring new information to light.

I will post separately on the Full Moon before next week.  Too tired just now.


Love and blessings to us all as we maintain our focus, intent, motivation, courage and faith as the world continues to spin and turn upside down.


from the chair...flying with Venus


It's all about love
Divine Reunion

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