...for the children of the earth

Friday 7 May 2021

4th May 2021: Mercury enters Gemini, 9th May: Venus enters Gemini,

Hi everyone!

Well we may be in the light of the Taurus Sun but we may have had difficulty finding the light during the past week since the Scorpio Full Moon with Pluto stationing retrograde at the same time.  The Scorpio Full Moon always brings big endings, bigger than usual.  I’ve been hearing this from a few different people as well as experiencing this myself.


Things must change!  Things are changing for us all!

It’s the end of an era in our lives and whether it’s manifesting without as a relationship, job, project coming to an end or within as we reach the depths of a realisation that things have to change.  It’s been and still is a big turning point.


Our physical beings are maybe feeling the weight of the world!

The focus has been very much on our physical existence with a preponderance of planets in earth signs bringing our attention to anything from our physical bodies, health, wellbeing to our working situation, income or home.  In fact, anything related to our physical security has been under the Scorpio microscope making us get to the bottom of things, the core issue.


A huge healing of earth energies:  Feeling the drain?  It’s moving through us! 

Without doubt we are working with the Taurus energies of Mother Earth, experiencing and releasing memories and karmic burdens from the planet’s history.  We’ve been plugged into Mother Earth’s energy via the Venus ‘cord’ and experiencing the power of the quantum field in more ways than one.


Pluto's retrograde journey:  The deeper we go the higher we climb!
28th April till 7th October

To the top of the mountain via the centre of the earth!
Last week Pluto stationed retrograde on 26 degrees Capricorn.
He's been on that degree since the end of February and will remain on that degree until the very end of June.  He's a slow mover and he's trawling back through Capricorn, clearing unfinished business, challenging us to really drop the old baggage of Capricorn energies...the status quo, the workaholic, the rules and benchmarks of the past which no longer serve our growth.
Capricorn rules governments and systems, global organisations and big multi nationals so we know that the governments will continue to be forced into more karmic confrontations with past shortfalls in their governance.  The pandemic has brought to the surface the shortfalls of these big organisations and governments in failing to create infrastructure and support systems for the most vulnerable in our world.  It's ongoing. Pluto's in Capricorn until 2024.
The Sabian Symbol for this degree offers much insight as to our spiritual journey at this time...up the Capricorn mountain whilst being plunged into Pluto's underworld of self-discovery and reclamation of our spiritual truth, power and focus.
Sabian Symbol for Pluto's stationing degree:
Capricorn 27
This Symbol shows being able to climb high, to rise to occasions, perform well, have a mission and, probably most importantly, to embark on spiritual journeys. Many people travel, but more often than not it implies a spiritual striving; an ascent in consciousness and the ability to transcend earthier, more immediate matters. There is always the desire, or the need, to strive further, to learn more on the path to understanding and transcendence. You may want to follow those that have gone before to achieve a true sense of inner fulfillment. Work towards your own 'mountain top'. The effort may be great, but so are the rewards. Ascent in consciousness. Setting off on a mission. Spiritual, material, corporate or political striving. Rarefied atmospheres. Spiritual journeys. Striving for the highest office.
Personally I've been very much in the black hole of Pluto's challenge as the Pluto station rolling in on top of the Scorpio Full Moon followed by an out of bounds moon for the past few days has kept me at survival level releasing all manner of pain and exhaustion from my body and spirit.  Mind you, I am being hit with a whole host of challenging personal transits so it's all happening.


4th May:  Mercury enters Gemini at  12:49 p.m. AEST

Clear the air and let’s fly!

Until 12th July

Yes! May the fourth be with you...Star Wars Day!
Grab your light swords and prepare to clear the air as Mercury enters Gemini for an extended stay until 12th July.  Mercury is the ruler of Gemini and ruler of the mental body, our mind manager.  He's been travelling through the heavy earth sign of Taurus, one step at a time plodding along when he likes to move quickly through the airwaves. 
On the road to freedom...spiritual freedom!  
‘The truth will set you free’!
The upright sword is a symbol of truth and freedom and is a necessary spiritual asset when dealing with the forces of the past which block our growth and expansion.  The spiritual warrior wins 'the battle' by aspiring to divine truth, ethical action and alignment with higher consciousness.  It's the inner battle which is the key to our freedom.  Other people are there to assist us along the path with positive or negative 'triggers' to awaken us and help us step up to the higher ground. 
Here come the new ideas!  Anything could happen!

Now, Mercury in Gemini is going to be throwing up all manner of ideas, schemes and possibilities for our release from the current doldrums from the dominance of planets in earth signs without much 'wind beneath our wings'. And the only planetary fire energy is Chiron in Aries which is busy highlighting the spiritual wounds for cleansing our ego energy field. Whew!
The way ahead:   Some uplift and bright spots!
So Mercury will help put some air back into the lungs and brain.  Venus, our heart energy, joins Mercury on 9th May which will add to the uplift.  Meanwhile, take time for the trudging, trusting, resting as our bodies are slowly recalibrating and renewing.  Mercury is one of our movers and shakers and now in his home sign will take the edge off the heaviness of our current journey.

Welcoming fiery uplift:

Fiery Mars enters fire ruled Leo on 12th June just after the Full Moon in Sagittarius firing up the Aries rocket, the solar power of Leo and the Sagittarian bonfire.


7th May:  

Mercury goes out of bounds at 5 degrees 34 Gemini

Until 30th May

Thinking outside the box!
When a planet moves out of bounds, it moves into new consciousness, beyond that previously known and can therefore behave erratically, outside the bound of ‘normal’/usual behaviour.  

 It’s not necessarily positive or negative as it is actually opening us up to new ways of thinking, operating mentally along with bringing in solutions, new ideas and answers which have been beyond our regular problem solving medicine bag.  The next 3 weeks may have resonance with a Mercury retrograde stretch as Mercury's energies are intensified


9th May:  Venus enters Gemini at 12.01 pm AEST

Onto the dual carriageway of love!

Until 3rd June

Venus enters the sign of duality:  Are we in a parallel universe? 

Reunion with lost pieces of the heart!

Our choice which way we go with this energy as Mercury our mind manager is already travelling the dual carriageway as Venus joins him in this exploration of balance and equilibrium reclamation of lost pieces of our heart.  We just need to keep our eye on the road and stay focussed on our mission...love!


The social milieu beckons:  Looking for connections?

We can get sidetracked with this energy but...hey...sometimes sidetracks are just what we need. So many of us have been isolated by lockdowns and now some nations are opening up more.  There’s a strong pull with Gemini to get out there and network.  Be the butterfly flitting from flower to flower to gather the info connecting with others.


Divine reunion:   You and me...united in divine power

The Gemini energy seeks reunion with the self and thus with our divine ‘lover’ in the world.  The Tarot card for Gemini is The Lovers and is a reminder that Gemini is always seeking ‘the twin’, the part of the self that brings reunion.  The ‘third’ party in the Gemini equation is the divine power that unites the two,


Healing the heart:  One heart, one mind is the key!

As with the mind, the heart seeks reunion within its duality when travelling in the sign of Gemini.  This is a call to bring the self-esteem back into balance and to reclaim the beauty of who we are.  With Venus in Taurus we’ve been going through an intense period of releasing old hurts, pains, loves which have kept us in guilt, blame, shame held in the physical body. Its time to reclaim love, compassion and joy for ourselves, heal our hearts and hurts and open to receive the joy of life. 


From Lauren Gorgo:  The 5:5:5 stargate
5:5:5 Liberation & Transformation
The 5:5:5 interdimensional stargate portals officially open on 5/5, which is when we really dig into the 5 vibration of this universal 5 year (2021).  The 5:5:5 numeric is providing us with the combination code to unlock the Original Destiny for Earth & humanity, and so the (universal ONE) month of May really sets the stage for the entire year, initiating important changes for the radical transformations to come. 

For those on the advanced mastery path, these incoming energies are delivering the activation codes needed to release us from the deep karmic underlay at the physical level of life...to free us from the underpinnings of our separated past and to permanently liberate us from the lower realms (of duality).




5th May:  Awakening to the Magic of Creative Manifestation : The Taurus/Pleiades Gate



Golden Oldies:

‘The Two of Us’ Jackie Trent & Tony Hatch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZdZFxU2no8


ANSWER Sarah McLachlan  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6pQcpFnXOI Divine Reunion


‘One love’ Bob Marley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdB-8eLEW8g




Upcoming Dates:

12th May:  New Moon in Taurus
14th May:  Jupiter enters Pisces

21st May:  Sun enters Gemini

23rd May:  Saturn retrograde at 13 degrees 31 Aquarius until 11th October


26th May:  Full Moon in Sagittarius 9.13 pm AEST 5 degrees 26 Sagittarius

Total Lunar Eclipse

30th May:  Mercury retrograde at 24 degrees 43 Gemini

2nd June:  Venus moves to Cancer



That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

We’re now entering the Gemini field of operation, the field of duality with respect to our mind and heart energy, even though we continue to travel within the strong influence of the earth energies of the Taurus Sun strengthened by Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn. Saturn is in airy Aquarius bringing karmic resolution to many of humanities ills at both the personal and planetary levels with his continued connection to Uranus bringing jolts and starts to our equilibrium...an ongoing affair for some time to come.


Our ‘awakening’ is spiritual as our lost or fragmented pieces of the past fall into place in the jigsaw puzzle of our lives on earth.  We are the problem solvers, the forensic investigators seeking answers to our questions about peace and harmony.  We cannot solve the world’s problems but we can contribute to their solution as we play our part and come to resolution in our own lives.


Next stop is the New Moon in Taurus on 12th May and then Jupiter heads out of Aquarius into the Pisces ocean for a few months trial run, giving us a taste of what’s to come in 2022.


Love and blessings to us all as we continue on our mountain pilgrimage of discovery and exploration.  



 from the chair...with my multiple fragments
It's all about love
Divine Reunion


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