...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 26 May 2021

26th May 2021: Full Moon Sagittarius


 Hi everyone! 

Well it’s been a wild few days energetically with planetary intensity of Saturn stationing retrograde, Venus moving out of bounds and Mars returning from out of bounds.  The Sun in Gemini is opening the door on multiple realities, messages...all our balloons are aloft!


Increase and intensifying of solar activity:  Shake, rattle and roll!

The planetary intensity has been accompanied by more solar activity,  intense and strong solar flares activating our energetic signature and our physical equilibrium.  The impact varies from person to person and depends on our constitution and sensitivity to electro magnetic influences in the environment.  We are interactive beings and everything affects us and interacts with us all. 


Sun in Gemini:  Opening the door to multiple realities...’our’ story is a smorgasbord!

We are multi dimensional beings with multiple aspects constantly interacting within us and in relation to the world.  Carl Jung named these inner aspects of our being as ‘archetypes’ and the new age movement has dubbed them sub-personalities.  Our Natal astrological birth chart delineates these multiple aspects with the planets, signs and houses at the time we were born. Carolyn Myss capitalised on this knowledge in her teaching ‘Sacred Contracts’. 


Our spiritual ‘house’ is full and overflowing with many voices, ideas and now...memories!

All the timelines and realities are coming in and maybe causing confusion in our mental bodies, nervous system and in our thinking as these other realities seek to be heard.  With the shattering of our magnetic bodies and the shaking up of the earth’s ‘field’ it’s difficult to get a handle on who’s saying what.  There’s never been a more important time to rest, meditate, turn off the mind and ground these swirling forces which are within and without.


25th May:  
Mars leaves out of bounds....whew!  We’re back! 
At 19 degrees 10 Cancer

Mars has come back into 'normality', leaving the outer limits of his travels through new consciousness and the evolutionary process of the physical transformation of our bodies.
An adventure tour of the cosmos and the past:
Travelling in the sign of the ancestors and the memories, the past and the home/homeland has been somewhat discomfiting as our discovery tour brought us into contact with those memories we hold in our physical beings as ancestral cell memories.  Old threads of aggression and war have been active, awakening our awareness and as a call for releasing them from within.
We might feel a little wobbly for a few days...what's new at present!
However, after we get through the Full Moon Eclipse energies and the incoming solar energies to impact the magnetic field in the next couple of days, we might find that we're feeling a little different...maybe stronger, clearer and prepared to better handle the multiple realities of Gemini and the ongoing eclipse fall out!
Mars is in Cancer until 11th June so time to mop up family differences, infighting and hopefully some peace for our homeland wherever we reside.  Mars has been out of our usual control and been stirring the pot of aggression, war and combat.  Peace now.


26th May:  Full Moon in Sagittarius 9.13 pm AEST 5 degrees 26 Sagittarius

Freeing the spirit!

Total Lunar Eclipse

Here we go!  

A big Full Moon Lunar Eclipse...a breakout, break down, release!

We are already being thrown around in the eclipse vortex as the evolutionary forces for change are throwing us every which way, shaking up our energetic signature, our attachment to identity and who we think we are. 


A Super Moon:  Up close and personal to the earth!

The Full Moon is the most powerful time for the moon in the lunar month, opening the doors to the subconscious, to the emotional self, to the past.  This ‘Super moon’ as it has been dubbed by popular culture indicates its proximity to the earth and hence its potential to act upon the earth, most evident in the tidal changes in the ocean. Does it mean emotions are even more to the fore than usual...maybe.


A lunar eclipse:  Sudden breakthroughs!

Revelations of shadows...what has been hidden is revealed!

The Moon is hidden by the earth’s shadow and then revealed once the shadow passes over.  

Eclipses bring big sudden insights, sudden shifts in consciousness and an ongoing influence as the revealed knowledge plays out in our lives for the next month to 6 months.


Planetary influences:  We’re all on the same page...sort of

The Full Moon, close to the South Lunar Planetary Node, is activating a release of the past planetary history whilst the Sun connecting to the North Node is urging us to connect with the Gemini brief for our evolution...think global act local.


Jupiter in Pisces squaring off to the Moon and Sun:  

Expansion spiritually...finding the gems of learning within and nearby...closer than we think

As we are challenged to embrace expansive learning of the world with Jupiter in Pisces squaring off to the Moon and the Sun, we will be thinking about tasting the joys of learning within our locality, state, nation for a while longer.  We’re learning local can be global and to access the knowledge and wisdom within for our spiritual expansion. 


Awakening the quest for learning, wisdom and knowledge!

The energy of unbounded enthusiasm needs harnessing to achieve desired goals and spiritual evolution of consciousness. Learning in the areas of spirituality, religion, philosophy and higher education both in institutions and in life’s journey is a key to the Sagittarian consciousness which may well be awakened at this Full Moon. 


The Sagittarian wisdom calls us to evolve from ordinary to extraordinary:  

Sudden urges leading us to the desire to reclaim the joy of life on earth!

The wild child is busting to get out of jail!  Awakening the quest for totally new experiences, places and people: 

Sagittarius brings us all the fire of desire for freedom, expansion and growth and the message of the Sagittarian centaur to do the balancing act between the ‘wild child’ who breaks all the rules and conventions of ‘society’ and the desire for justice, truth, learning, teaching, travelling the world and connecting to ‘foreign’ places and people. 


We’re needing stimulation!  New ways and alternatives to finding pleasure!

Sudden urges to travel, to learn something new, to meet new people and to actively seek the joy and freedom of life on earth and all the joys of a physical existence.  This is likely to feel like a bypass of all the global lockdown and pandemic and fear.  We’re going to be finding alternatives to the experience of the celebration of life beyond dependencies on old ‘cure-alls’.  


Full Moon Eclipse revelations play out with the New Moon Solar Eclipse!

Usually, the Full Moon Eclipse which is all about inner change can lead to action being initiated at the Solar Eclipse two weeks after the lunar eclipse.  So the New Moon in Gemini Solar Eclipse on 10th June will be the catalyst for setting physical actions in motion.   


The Astronomy of the Full Moon Eclipse:

TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE MOON: On May 26th, the full Moon will pass through the shadow of Earth, producing a total lunar eclipse. For 14 and a half minutes, the disk of the Moon will turn orange--the same color as the core of our planet's shadow.
The eclipse will be visible from parts of 5 continents: Antarctica, Australia, Asia, North and South America. In the USA, the best place to be is near the west coast, where the eclipse will unfold entirely before sunrise (around 4:20 am Pacific Time). The low-hanging Moon will look extra big and beautiful because of the Moon Illusion. On the east coast, the eclipse will not be visible at all.
The Black Horse Nebula:
During the lunar eclipse, the reddened Moon will be located close to the nebula. Lunar glare will almost certainly erase the horse from view  
The Dark Horse Nebula is a complex of inky-dark molecular clouds about 650 light years from Earth. Rich in dust and complex molecules, these heavyweight clouds will one day collapse to form stars; for now, they block the light of the background Milky Way, forming the shape of a horse. The nebula is visible only from exceptionally dry and dark sites.During next week's lunar eclipse, the reddened Moon will be located close to the nebula. Lunar glare will almost certainly erase the horse from view. Between now and then, however, many photographers can catch the equine form as they frame their future Moon shot.
Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Full Moon Sagittarius 6

This Symbol shows playing the game of life by the rules. Like the “Game of Cricket”, there are rules and guidelines to go by that need to be respected and observed. It is not so much the game that is important, but how it is played. Cricket is very much a ‘gentleman’s game’ and it is usually played by people who come together from all around in order to side with those they choose to play the game with. You will find that integrity is vital and your honesty will give you rewards, even if there is some initial sacrifice. Careful team work is needed to stop things getting through the gaps; everyone must, to some extent, keep on their toes. Playing by the rules. Stiff upper-lip responses. Seeing through the illusions of what constitutes ‘polite society’. Sportsmanship. Courtesy. Umpire’s decisions. Opposing teams.
Sun Gemini 6

This Symbol shows the talent, desire, ability or the necessity of digging deep in order to find something or to make a big strike. Ambition in the pursuit of material or spiritual wealth can bring wonderful rewards to the surface. There's a feeling of wanting to reach into or understand the depths of an issue. This entails a certain amount of risk and may require the cooperation of others who have skills in such a search. The rewards are often difficult to find and at times unsuccessful, however, perseverance will bring some kind of success. You may have to get used to operating in the dark. Ambition. The drive to plumb the depths. Psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. Dream analysis. Present or past life explorations. Oil and oil wells. Exploring answers. Work.

Golden Oldies:

‘By Thy Grace’ Snatam Kaur https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6agBMFujPU&list=RDdEpYfsL0e5Q&index=7


‘Everybody’s Out of Town’ B J Thomas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiLII1skGOU 


‘That’s Amore’ Dean Martin   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ef7UInZyAfc 



Upcoming Dates:

30th May:  Mercury retrograde at 24 degrees 43 Gemini

30th May:  Mercury leaves out of bounds

3rd June:  Venus moves to Cancer


That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

Our spirit horses are of and running carrying us on into the light.  No, they’re not Sagittarian centaurs but are closely related bringing the message of movement and change.  With Mercury slowing preparing to turn retrograde on 30th May, maybe not much physical movement but plenty of mental movement and the viewing of choices, directions and potentials.


Even if we are still confined by the global situation, nothing can confine our spirit.  If nothing else. that is the energy of the past year and a half, helping us evolve our consciousness to expansion, growth and the joy of life no matter the restrictions to our physical movement and travel.


We’re heading towards the New Moon in Gemini, Solar Eclipse on 10th June which promises to open the doors for our way forward in the coming 6  months taking us to the eclipse energy at the end of this year. In the next weeks we’ll be integrating the new information from this full moon and coming to the point of making decisions, choosing new directions after that New Moon.


Love and blessings to us all as we ride the roller coaster of change.  The energies are so intense we can surely recognise that this time on earth is providing dramatic and challenging tests for our resolve and dedication.   I can only hope we all manage to keep our balance and equilibrium as we are shaken and stirred like a James Bond martini!




from the chair...walking...just


It's all about love
Divine Reunion


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